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자주묻는 질문
Podosea member FAQ

How do I send quotations?

기업의뢰에 견적을 보내는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.

1. Select your desired RFQ from Corporate RFQ.

Click “Send quotation” at the bottom open the make quotation page. If you have any questions or inquiries regarding the RFQ, click “Contact Requester” for a 1:1 chat.

2. Make quotation.

Write a simple quotation that includes costs and quotes. Click the “Send Quotation” button to send.

3. Proceed with transaction after a quotation is chosen.

Negotiate the details of the transaction after choosing he quotation with the corresponding company.

(Podosea also serves as a mediator for RFQs between corporate members.

Each RFQ is carried out freely between two corporate members, and Podosea does not intervene by principle.

When a dispute occurs while a transaction is in progress, Podosea recommends settling the dispute through bilateral agreement.

The parties can also consult the E-Commerce Mediation Committee for mediation.)

4. Evaluate the company by leaving a review after the transaction.

A detailed review regarding transaction quality, satisfaction, etc.

can be a big help to other corporate members. Make sure to write a review after a transaction is completed

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  • Vine Plant Inc.
  • Company Registration Number735-81-02350
  • Mail-order business report2022-Busan Haeundae-0222

  • 1607, Building A, 97, Centumjungang-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan
  • TEl070.7843.0031
  • E-mailsupport@podosea.com
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